Network Visualisation Live Workshop

Network Visualisation Live Workshop
Ever wondered how to turn a boring spreadsheet into a colorful network? Curious about the techniques behind visualizing complex graphs? Join me for a dive into the creative process, where I'll show you how to craft the kind of eye-catching networks that got me featured in Towards Data Science, GQ, GameStar, The New York Times, and more. Discover tools and tricks to bring data to life in this live demo workshop!
This workshop will be a live-only event with a 60-minute session on network visualization and a 15-minute Q&A afterward.
Online, May 30 Thursday, 19.00-20.15 CET
What you get
You will get a quick intro to network science and the practical workflow of network visualization.
This is an introductory course that relies only on basic analytical logic. If you used Excel and Paint before, you should be fine.
The course consists of the following chapters:
- Introduction to network science: first, we will overview the core concepts of the field, such as network classification, nodes, links, and centrality measures
- Visual break-down: then, we rip an existing, published visualization work into pieces and, step-by-step, learn the different parts of a professional network visualization
- Visualization from scratch: finally, relying on the principles we learned during the first two stages, we will re-create the previously deconstructed network visualizations.
Setting up
To fully enjoy this workshop, you need to install the free software Gephi. https://gephi.org/

Network Visualisation Live Workshop - May 30th